Tree Plantation

On Sunday, May 15th, 2022, Urbana youth came together along with Green Team Urbana and planted native trees all around the Addison Woods area.

Goal of the activity

The goal of this activity is to add more native plants and trees to the area. It makes the place more visually appealing and helps the environment. Besides, adding trees, this activity, like many other community service activities, is very beneficial for the volunteers. It helps kids become more responsible citizens and learn more about skills like planting.

Involved youth

This activity had many youth from all around Urbana participate. Lots of kids and even parents joined from all around the community. It was specifically led by Urbana high school senior, Abhi Sentilkumar.


Future Plantations:
Organize the next native tree plantation by:
Reaching out to Green Team Urbana! The Ekal Urbana Chapter is looking forward to partnering up with Green team Urbana, for future plantation activities.

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